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80% of Individuals Do NOT need a Mental Health Care Plan

That is a bold statement coming from someone who is not actually a psychologist or counsellor, but here is the thing. This is TRUE.

As Co Founder and Practice Manager of Crestpoint Psychology and Wellbeing Centre, I had the privilege of seeing first hand the current medical industry management of Mental Health in Australia.

Now I am guessing apart from the government support, the rest of the world is having similar issues with their communities who are struggling with mental health and wellness challenges. Our system here in Australia goes a little like this......

1) Someone is not coping emotionally, so they go to the GP or local doctor. That Doctor has 2 options. A. Mental Health Care Plan or MHCP, or medication. That is it.

2) Once a MHCP is issued the only person who is qualified to issue Mental Health under the Medicare Rebate system is a Psychologist. Not a Counsellor. The challenge is that most people need Counselling, so the psychologist is spending much of their time counselling people who are struggling with everyday issues. First World Problems if you like.

3) The pressure on the psychologist creates a long wait list as people cannot get an appointment for at least 6 months.

The problem is, that maybe a tragic accident happens and someone needs urgent support for PTSD or Trauma, but they are not able to get in to see someone or speak to a professional for at least 6 months.

I'm sorry, but I am pretty sure PTSD doesn't wait 6 months to start impacting someone's life

The next challenge is that those with Mental Health Issues are struggling to hold on at work if they even are able to work. So where does the funding come from that fills the gap between the $280 per hour recommended rate for a psychologist and the $93.85 that Medicare gives back?

While working in the front line of the office at Crestpoint Psychology, I was able to assist those seeking help before needing a MHCP. They would come in looking for guidance and strategies to manage their own life BETTER.

I would share with them the Foundations to Living that I have developed as a Business Consultant. Don't get me wrong, there are many times when coaching a Business Owner that I needed to poke around in their brain to find out why they are making the poor choices they had done to get their business in knots.

From my time at Crestpoint at least 8 out of every 10 people that walked through the door just needed some simple tools to help explain why they were stuck in life at this point. I would telll them my Jigsaw Puzzle Story and within minutes you could see the relief they felt as they learned to shed the baggage that was not theirs to carry.

I would tell them about the law of balance, and immediately they understood why there were constant arguements between themselves and their partners, and identified exactly what THEY needed to do, to stop the bickering and conflict. Those 2 things alone would help people immensely.

If I shared with them all 5 Foundations to Living, it was enough tools to give the client motivation to start getting their life back on track. Most importantly, I would share with them the concept to Fill your jug first.

I often ask people, If I drop a glass on the ground, I don't YELL at the ground for smashing the cup. Why? Because I know Gravity exists. Why then do so many people get angry at things they cannot control? It is like they are yelling at the ground for smashing the cup. It is pointless. It consumes so much energy we feel exhausted and depleted, and yet we still do it. WHY?

Unless something is pointed out to you in simple terms, an individual will never learn and they will keep doing the same thing over and over again. The challenge with psychologists is that they will never ask the confrontational questions that require a full and frank discussion. I must admit, from a buinsess perspective, the psychology model is excellent. Long Term income from each client with referrals. But I don't work that way. I need this client happy and off the couch, because there are a million or more people lining up behind, all with problems and challenges.

I am better off giving you LIFE LONG tools to use. or at least helping you to disarm your triggers in 15 Minutes or Less so they are gone forever............. Sorry, Did no one let you know that was possible? Well I can guarantee it IS POSSIBLE and has been proven to work many many times over.

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